New Release

  • $18.00$36.00

    Bellisimo Palm Bella or Parlor Palm is a great easy to care for variety of palms that can live comfortably indoors. These plants grow fast and unlike most plants that suffer if they are root-bound, palms seem to do okay if their roots are a little crammed.  Care and Maintenance They…

  • $20.00$38.00

    Calathea Pinstripe, the original Pink princess 😉 Calathea ornata is distinctively recognizable because of it’s dark green leaves and thin pink stripes. Calathea varieties include some of the most stunning tropical foliage plants in the world and are often confused with their close relative Maranta or the “prayer plant”. These plants grow on the bed…

  • $18.00$34.00

    As indestructible as they get This is a smaller but indestructible variety of Dracaena (snake plant). This plant has strong, stiff, cylindrical leaves that store water. Snake plants are a bit unique because unlike most other plants they produce oxygen in the night, making them ideal for your bedroom. Care and Maintenance This plant…

  • $20.00$38.00

    Silvery Satin pothos These beautiful vining plants are a great choice for beginners. They have a matte like texture and feel a bit velvety to touch, hence the common name Satin.  Scindapsus pictus is commonly sold in the market as a Satin pothos or Silver philodendron, but it’s neither a pothos…

  • $18.00$40.00

    Hard to kill Sansevieria / Snake Honestly, this is probably one plant that doesn’t need much introduction–it’s on every possible “best plant for…” list. An all-around winner for being draught tolerant, and doing well both in low-light and direct sunlight situation (bizarre). Sansevieria are succulent plants–they have strong, stiff, almost plastic-like succulent…

  • $18.00$36.00

    A houseplant staple, Peperomia Green Peperomia obtusifolia or the baby rubber plant is from the pepper family. A versatile plant that can sustain a bit of abuse and has minimalist waxy spoon like leaves.  These plants have semi-succulent properties, which means that they are able to store moisture in their fleshy stems…

  • $20.00$38.00

    Coffee Plant The coffee plant (Coffea arabica) is native to Ethiopia and boasts beautiful, glossy green leaves and speedy growth. Once matured, it will flower in the spring with small white flowers and then produce half-inch berries that gradually darken from green to blackish pods. Each pod contains two seeds, which eventually…

  • $18.00$38.00

    Everybody needs at least one Pothos! Pothos is also known as the devil’s ivy, because it is almost impossible to kill. It is popular in temperate regions and is a great choice for a houseplant. It can handle low-light conditions and is known to be  an excellent air-purifier. All of…

  • $22.00$40.00

    Calathea Medallion is a classic beauty  Calathea roseopicta, commonly known as Medallion is a classic Calathea variety with large dark green leaves, banded with silver and emerald green. The backs of the leaves are a gorgeous deep red-purple. Calathea varieties include some of the most stunning tropical foliage plants in the world and are often confused…


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